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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Padilla

Latino leaders gather to celebrate community accomplishments

On December 27th at Maple Indian Cuisine, Bienvenido Community Solutions, LLC and Community Pro-Education invited a few leaders to come together to celebrate community service and think together about leadership development in the Latino community. There was representation from various sectors such as manufacturing, mental health, higher education, elected officials, not-for-profit, business owners, and the Greater Fort Wayne Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Gilberto Perez, who leads Bienvenido Community Solutions LLC, along with Richard Aguirre, Clerk-Treasurer for the City of Goshen and Manny Cortez of  Radio Horizonte 104.3 FM, opened up about the conversations had, the importance of working together, and the future of the efforts and services presented to the Latino community. 

In conversation at the table, there was a lot mentioned but when asked what stood out most, Perez shared that the willingness to help and serve, specifically in the area of providing food and mental health support. 

“The individuals who attended shared their service in the community through a not-for-profit by giving food to families in need, helping small business owners with their startup process, giving to the community by supporting youth in their events, and helping families deal with mental health issues. One particular individual said this gathering reminded him of his community service in Mexico, where he worked with the youth to provide food to families in remote areas. To see the smile on this individual's face when he talked about his community service was gratifying and inspiring.” 

These leaders felt that gratification of what they’re doing while they shared but Cortez says that they weren’t just celebrating their roles as leaders in these efforts but the difference he sees in the Latinos who are being served, “While celebrating these acts of service, I have seen a difference in how Latinos are able to connect with one another. I feel as if they have the ability to find new opportunities and resources that can help them find what they need, and I am grateful to be able to provide new information.” 

As Aguirre listened to each person share, he sat in awe knowing that this is voluntary work, “People who are working full time are also spending many extra hours a week helping others. They are doing this because they are caring people who understand the value of helping others. That was very impressive.” 

In Latino culture there is a natural pull to be together in unity, whether that is as family, friends, or at work and so on, Aguirre practices this and has been since the beginning of his career that now shows in his service to Latinos. 

“Gathering is an important step in any worthwhile group or community endeavor. In this case, by meeting we expanded our individual networks of contacts and learned what others are doing to help the community. We also learned that there was a shared interest in increasing Latino leadership to help our community. So in that sense, it was an important form of empowerment that can produce many benefits for individuals and for the community.” 

Moving forward, 2024 will be a year of growth and even greater support and services for the Latino community. At this gathering Perez was able to announce the next stride for this year. 

“The event allowed for Bienvenido Community Solutions and Community Pro-Education to announce their partnership in creating what is called, The People's Latino Leadership Institute (PLLI). The PLLI seeks to create a pipeline of Latino leaders committed to increasing their leader's influence in community and civic involvement at all levels of private and public arenas in North Central Indiana.” 

This collaboration is meant to reach more Latinos and up the level of what they’re doing now, “The PLLI strengthens Latino leaders' capacity to address issues that impact their community and builds a strong network of leaders that seek change in the communities where leaders serve and lead. We agreed that our strategy is to develop and expand leadership learning opportunities that support leader development, youth development, and facilitate change and civic engagement with North Central Indiana Latino leaders.


In the announcement to the other leaders she shared the values of this movement,

“We believe in doing leadership through trusting relationships. We believe in living out one's cultural wealth and knowledge for strengthening leader identity. We believe in civic engagement as a way to live out one's passion for service in community.” 

Perez has a goal of continuing this union between Latino leaders and the time together was the start to greatness. “PLLI will bring together the engaged and civically minded Latino leaders serving in private and public roles for a vibrant and healthy community. The PLLI develops leadership programs that are desired by the Latino community.” PLLI will hold their first meeting on January 12th with a few Latino leaders from South Bend to talk about coordinating mentor training.

All in all the gathering lit a greater flame to assist and aid the Latino community and for everyone to think about ways they are serving and will serve this year. As the Latino leaders ended their time together, they left with a sense of gratitude, a dream of growth, and a mindset ready to impact the Latino community, in serving, educating, and to watch Latinos flourish. 

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